Saturday 26 October 2013


Apple is a type of fruit that can not be mature nonklimaterik though brooded. Therefore, it must be ensured ripe apples when it will be processed into lunkhead.
The characteristics of a good apples to be processed into lunkhead is as follows:
a. Skin color is greenish red fruit.
b. fruit pomace
c. Sweet fruit flavors and not Sepat

How to make Dodoo apple
Apples 1 kg
Sugar 500 g
Citric acid 2 g

How to Make:
1. Wash the apples, then peel the skin
2. Diced apples, then steam for 15 minutes
3. Lift the fruit and break up into mush
4. Combine pulp with sugar and citric acid. Cook, stirring frequently until smooth and thickened
5. chill
6. Lunkhead into small pieces and packed in plastic.

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